The Moon Shot Team participated in NASA’s Space App Challenge

On October 18th and 19th, luminaries from various sciences and arts gathered in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for the world’s largest hackathon, organized by NASA and held simultaneously in over 200 locations. The event commemorated the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Moon Shot Team

This event was supported by the U.S. Embassy in Argentina, represented by Deputy Counselor for the Environment Karen Glocer, as well as IBM, Digital House, and the National Commission on Space Activities (CONAE).

Auditorium before the award ceremony

Among the 22 participating teams was Moon Shot, led by Agustín Rizzo and accompanied by Romina Ziermoly, Fernando Oviedo, Jorge Andersen, Martín Sobel, Anthony Agudelo, Gustavo Urdaneta, and our CEO Carlos Urbina. They conceptualized and developed an application that tracks the position of the Moon, takes photos, and monitors it while collecting data for quantification and qualification. The application used metrics from NASA, the U.S. Navy, and IBM’s Watson Studio. Once the information is received, it is sent and compared with previously extracted values. The obtained references are of high interest for applied scientific studies, both spatial and terrestrial.

The event was impeccably organized, adhering strictly to the schedule. The entire organization provided top-notch attention and was ready to answer all types of inquiries.

A lot of teamwork was experienced at the Space App Challenge.

The level of science present at the event was demonstrated by the two nominees for the global award, with the Galileo and NASA TR teams winning the top nomination through their outstanding and indisputable performance.

On the other hand, the Moon Shot team began working on developing a new idea that provides a solution to an issue directly related to global warming, which they hope to present at the 2020 Space App Challenge.


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